If you thought last year was good... brace your self for this one!
May 25-27 in Kananaskis.
What's cool? This date (Pentecost) is the actual anniversary of Moses experience on Mount Sinai (the birthday of Israel as a nation as they recieved the Law), as well as the birthday of the church! Uhhu...that's tight!
I moved the dates from early May to late May for a better chance at good weather
Take a good long hot shower on Friday!
YAY, Can't wait!
Notice the new new dates
Mark, do u mind if I come? I so extremely enjoyed last years that I would love to attend again.
Please do come Alicia!
Can't wait! Last years was so awesome and I know that this year will be awesomer! ;O)
I have heard numerous stories from last year, if I know you all well enough, each year will become better and better! Have a wonderful time, wish I could be there to participate! =)
hope we like gettin competitive
kick the can ..ohhh u betcha ..i am gonna kick sooo much can
ps. praise god
pss. love god
psss. is that a real picture
Jason... I should not read your posts while at work. I'm gonna get in serious trouble.. I'm literally laughing out loud! NOT A GOOD THING!!
nevermind the update that briefly appeared on this post
!!!cant wait!
Is everyone in a group?!
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