Friday, February 08, 2008

In My Defense

In my defense it was a brisk friday morning and my head was screwed on a little left kilter. To my amazement I found myself plummeting into sleep insomnia last night around 11, and waking up this morning shooken by the Hand of God for the annual morning FIRE FILLED truthYouth prayer, as it has become our new day-praise staple at 6:30...A.M. I learnt quickly how sleep deprivation can so easily fester a desolation on my brain. So what is this post all about? Early friday morning I found myself entering into the sanctuary with my regular sung and carried "OOOOoohhh" and when I regularly follow up the praise with "God Great God" or a simple "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" I found myself almost stutter-out, follow up, actually SAY however still JUST stop short of...well...I turned to the youth who were standing at the doorway to ask them a simple question, "Do you think God would be offended if I called Him sugarpants?" It was laughter at me, rather than with me, believe me. Don't ask me how, or why, or when the synapse in my brain mis-fired in such a way as to call my Lord and Savior "Sugarpants" but I DID stop myself JUST short... so let this be a lesson to all...though God is soooo sweet, He doesn't wear sugarpants.


Matt D said...

umm...ummm.....oh dear. I think God prolly got a good laugh outta that one, me too. With you of course.

YPMARK....Peter? said...

hahaha... every word of mine was clear and consise and perfectly put together

Shad said...

that was awesome .

Jerms said...

lol sugarpants

Marks Starlet said...

Deli-u-ski!! LOL!!
That was hilarious!

V said...

HAHAHAHAHA oh my word I have never laughed so hard in morning! Deleeuw you had me crying!!! That's the awesomest ever!!

Jessica deLeeuw said...

It was pretty funny.. .and then we laughed some more in the evening! Sugarpants?!? hmmmmm......

Johnny King said...

It's nice you stopped just short.