Wednesday, April 01, 2009

This week...

This Friday PM and Saturday AM is our long awaited Sunday School Seminar.  This is going to take the place of our C-Dots this month.  Now, before you write off children's ministry as not being your forte, come and explore the possibilities!  I believe that a big part of our success as a church is going to be due to our renewed focus on kids.  So, I am asking all of our older youth to remain open to God, in case He wants to use you to make a difference in the lives and eternities of our children.


James Wilder said...

And Sis. King will make it worth you're time. She's amazing! You will all be blessed. And if it doesn't apply directly to children's ministry, some of it will apply to any ministry involving teaching.

Marks Starlet said...

Just talking to her is such a blessing!! We're so excited about whats coming for us tomorrow!

Jerms said...

my play dough looked like a fruit roll up and i was tempted to eat it, was hungry all day