Saturday, May 24, 2008

That sweet little wall flower just MOVED!

A silent assassin has most secretively been making his was around us probing for a weakness. Just as subtly he has been unraveling many of our bonds that we've relaxed under his allusion of spiritual confidence and stability. He's whispered in our ears that we can do our Bible reading tomorrow, we don't have time to touch God right now... maybe later. Now try and think when was the last time you felt that you were really in tune with Him. If it is longer than yesterday, its been to long. Family disputes are happening over some of the most foolish things. The devil is doing his absolute best to wear us down!There's an issue when your listening to more secular music than Christian. Look whats polluting our minds. That music needs to be completely deleted off of our ipods and mp3 players, the dials on our stereos need to be readjusted. Our exclamations need to be changed. How is God going to have revival if his people are all carnal. We need to wake up and get our heads out of the sand. Look away from the hypnotizing gaze and realize what that filthy snake is doing! If this isn't affecting you, then realize that its affecting many others.


YPMARK....Peter? said...

That was a great post Matt! Remember "The Lion Message" everyone!

Jessica deLeeuw said...

Matt... that's was an amazing post!! So true.. I was just telling God that this morning... it seems like such little things are averting our attention!! And it's not intentional... it's just been happening.. Thanks for the reminder!

Marks Starlet said...

Matt...... WOW!!!
That is extremely true!!
You make me smile and your worship is an inspiration to us all! It's so nice to hear a young man like yourself talk such intense sense!!!