Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I thought that since the weather is so awesome and it's supposed to be sunny and 13 on this coming Saturday, we should have a good 'Ole BBQ! So why don't we, if everyone is cool with it, meet up Saturday at 2pm for good times and food in Bowness Park. It's bring your own meat or veggie burgs whatever you please and if everyone would like to either pitch in 5 bucks to me on Wednesday and I will pick up drinks and snacks ooooorrrrrrr everyone can bring snacks and drinks to share. You choose, works either way. I will bring plates, cups and utensils. PLEASE bring whatever you can in the sense of games and activities. Also, this is open to whomever wishes to join us, this time you don't have to be in the youth group to come. So come OLD and YOUNG! Please if under 12 make sure to have pre-arranged rides and someone to be accountable to at all times. If any one has a barbecue that you can bring please do. Details such as where exactly to meet and whatever else will be sorted out hopefully by Wed, any questions let me know. If everyone is for it lets all hook up on Sat and have fun Truth Church style!! Love you all!


EstherH said...

If everyone could kindly let me know if your going to come or not, I don't need definate numbers, it's just for an idea of how many things I need to pick up. Thanks!

YPMARK....Peter? said...


bRuce bRuce said...

somebody hold me back

EstherH said...

Of course you are Mark, I never doubted that for a moment.. haha any chance you can get to boast of your Oh so wonderous barbecue skills!

Jason said...

Mark's bar-b-q skills compared to mine would be like comparing mcdonalds to the keg steakhouse, respectively.

V said...

Mmmmmmm BBQ, thanks Ed for letting your brain think this.

Nuh uh.. Mark's steaks are to die for Mr. De Leeuw!!! Macdo's to the Keg? Mark's steak is sans comparable!

bRuce bRuce said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt D said...

I intend to attend.

EstherH said...

Ok just so everyone knows, It's free for all, bring you own snacks wether to share or to keep to yourself is up to you.

Jason said...

bbq cook off is on

mark the loser wears the dress

and everyoe else bring your gloves for some baseball if u wanna play

Jerms said...

so,there is a BBQ eh, coolio yo

Johnny King said...

Inquiring minds want to know. How did the BBQ cookoff go? Does de leeuw get to keep his day job?

Matt D said...

Yes, De Leeuw has mournfully returned to his day job. Mark had some pretty hot stakes. So did Mark return to his da--, Did Mark even have a day job?!

Jason said...

The only problem with economy steaks...is i think they are "eco" safe...bleh.

Sinai...new rules, new sauce, new game.